Title - Sorry For Partyin'
Author - Bowling for Soup
Release Date- July 28, 2009
Author - Bowling for Soup
Release Date- July 28, 2009
Plot -The content of this CD is essentially an ode to the Crazy antics of Bowling for Soup. A Band that has been around since 1994, they hit is big in 2005 with the release of their single 1985, an ode to previous music and hard partying ways that they seem to have missed. They have continued this crazy chaos in their Album Sorry for Partyin'. What this album does excellently is represent their desire to be a group who does not wish to take anything in life too seriously.
It begins with an ode to Dance Music (to which they primarily hate). They tease in the lyrics that they are writing this song because they need the money for things their families want. It's second song, and first single on the album is called No Hablo Ingles, a reference to an inability to speak the English language. The song really is an ode to not taking responsibility for anything, to which the refrain No Hablo Ingles aids them in this ability. While primarily about the desire to live a life free of encumbrances, they seem to recognize that they are tied to a community of people they love, nevertheless. Songs such as BFF, Me With No You, and I Just Wanna Be Loved refer to a need to be loved and connected either romantically or to friends that they have. But don't take them too seriously, as I Hate L.A. is an ode to disliking the L.A. scene despite having Jimmy Kimmel and In and Out Burgers.
It begins with an ode to Dance Music (to which they primarily hate). They tease in the lyrics that they are writing this song because they need the money for things their families want. It's second song, and first single on the album is called No Hablo Ingles, a reference to an inability to speak the English language. The song really is an ode to not taking responsibility for anything, to which the refrain No Hablo Ingles aids them in this ability. While primarily about the desire to live a life free of encumbrances, they seem to recognize that they are tied to a community of people they love, nevertheless. Songs such as BFF, Me With No You, and I Just Wanna Be Loved refer to a need to be loved and connected either romantically or to friends that they have. But don't take them too seriously, as I Hate L.A. is an ode to disliking the L.A. scene despite having Jimmy Kimmel and In and Out Burgers.
Critical Review- Bowling for Soup, while coming out of the Punk music scene, with its simple chord sets and fairly repetitive music, is a refreshing breath of fresh air in the genre. There is an air of refreshing non-seriousness about this group. Wierd Al'Yankovic would not be able to parody this band as they are a parody in and of themselves. They spend time taking stabs at people who write pop music because of the money, and for others who want others to do poorly at games with the song Choke. And all the while they have the ability to develop a beautiful love ballad with Everything to Me. I would say sit back, have fun, and enjoy the ride, because Bowling for Soup is never going to be Sorry for Partyin'
Reader's Annotation- So many different uses . . . you don't need no excuses, it's as easy as the third grade. The perfect getaway, it's all you gotta say, quatro cinco seis . . . no hablo ingles. Never be Sorry for Partyin'.
About the Author- Jaret Reddick formed the band in 1994 with Band mates Erik Chandler, Chris Burney, and a previous drummer(now filled by Gary Wiseman since 1998). The four decided that they wanted to create a different form of music that was happy. They saw all of the message bands out there who were frequently wanted to decry their problems with life and relationships. Bowling for Soup wanted to do something entirely different. They wanted to make music that people would go to see and leave with a smile on your face.
While not afraid of being crass, they decided to create music that would not be so message heavy. Hits such as I'm Gay are reflective of the desire to be happy, taking the original meaning of the term gay. Even in Sorry for Partyin' they have never been afraid of innuendo as a means of humor. In their song My Wena the joke is whether Reddick is singing about his dog, or a piece of his male anatomy.
Genre- Music, Punk
Curriculum Ties - Literature - Poetry
Music - Punk
Booktalking Ideas - N/A
Reading Level/Interest Age - Grade 10+
Challenge Issues - Crass Language and some questionable content in the Music
Overcoming Challenge - Compare it to modern music of the era and how it is relatively innocent in terms of its lyrics. Discuss the use of double entendre and the ability to discuss methods and forms of humor.
Why Included - This has been one of my favorite Bands since the release of their single 1985; and this is one of my favorite albums. Its humor and spirit are reflective of many of the teens I run across at the library.
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