Monday, December 6, 2010

Encyclopedia Mythica

Title - Encylcopedia Mythica
Website -

Website Content - Encyclopedia Mythica is a website generated to help teens understand all things about the Myths.  As there are vast amounts of myths throughout literature the website does a good job of trying to break down the myths into the cultures from which they came.  This list would include Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology, Norse Mythology, Celtic Mythology and Native American Mythology and many many more.  As you enter further into the index of articles one finally arrives as a link to individual articles about any particular topic in mythology.  Each link gives a few paragraphs or less devoted to the subject the link is on.  For example, on the Arthurian legend it discusses the context of the legend, a list of all the images it engenders, and various different aspects of the legend such as the Sword in the Stone, the Lady in the Lake, and many others.  It then presents a biography for people to know where the information came from and a suggested reading list for those who want to study further about the legend.

Website Review - While not the in depth material that one might need for a research paper, this cite certainly gives encyclopedic information about any of the various topics that are involved, giving one a good start on what one might be looking for when they are trying to study any of the myths.  This would get one a good grasp on the basics.  Unfortunately, from my perspective, much of the site seems to be sparse as it seems to be a work in progress.  The person in charge of the site has developed a twitter account so that anyone can find out what the new postings are on the site.  I found that much of what was included has barely a sentence or two about any given topic.  When I was perusing through the list of items that included heroes, bestiary, and other things, I found that the lists often did not contain many of the heroes and beasts I would have expected to be there.  I began to ask myself what would qualify as a hero and what would qualify as a beast?  What I ended up deciding was that the website must have a long way to go before I would consider the preeminent resource on the web for all things Mythical.  However, for a teen trying to learn about myths, it does do a creditable job of providing them with a frame of reference for all things mythical.

Annotation - Hercules, Arthur, Zeus, Odysseus, Gawain and many, many others are to be found at the Encyclopedia Mythica.  Its the center for all things Mythical.

Website History - This website appears to have been around for the past 15 years, trying to keep track of all things mythical.  To date they have generated over 7000 articles about various different things in mythology from beasts, to gods to legends.  Unfortunately they are forced to rely on contributions from other individuals to try to get all of the information they want posted on the site.  The web designer makes a plea out to people who are "experts" to help to contribute to the different articles on the site.  I can find little else about the people who are involved in putting together the articles; and one would have a difficult time tracking down all of the authors for a larger sketch of the people involved if, as the website suggests, much of the content is driven by those outside of the website designers.

Genre-  Website
Curriculum Ties - Have the kids view the site when bringing up Greek and Roman Mythology in class.  Show them the links to the vast array of mythological areas.  Have students write a report on mythology using some lesser known mythological areas. - World History and Civilizations
Booktalking Ideas - N/A
Reading Level/Interest Age - Grade 7+
Challenge Issues - None
Why Included - I wanted to include some reference that the Cerritos Library gave to teens as I knew they had an exclusively teen section to their website.

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